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Integrative Change Communications

Welcome to harmonize!


I offer specialist advice and guidance in the areas of communication and wellbeing, in times of change.


With my consultancy harmonize, I put people first. My offer is integrative change communications, that integrates all aspects of health into communications strategy.


Healthy and satisfied employees are more resilient and motivated and have a proven positive impact on business results.


My integrative approach aims to achieve sustainable healthy growth for both the company and its employees.



With empathic communication that integrates health aspects, I bring harmony to the challenges that can arise in change environments, in private or professional life. Our goal is to help individuals and leaders emerge stronger from change situations. 

Wellbeing means «to feel holistically well» – in bringing body and mind together. This helps people strengthen resilience, both for everyday life and to better manage the stresses inherent in times of transformation for positive outcomes, including coping with everyday private and professional life in a sustainable way.


I look forward to meeting you and talking with you about your challenges. Please contact me via the online form to arrange a meeting. 

Thank you!


Claudia Rheinboldt

Consulting for Communication and Wellbeing

Arbenzstrasse 9
CH-8008 Zurich


+41 79 479 32 66

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